Submitted By: Denise
Answered: December 2, 2016 1:53 pm

I read that everyone is entitled to a consumer rebate under a 2015 law. Is this true?

Some marketers are touting a “consumer rebate” in order to get individuals to subscribe to certain newsletters or buy other materials. The so-called rebate is nothing more than a tax deduction for state and local sales tax that individuals who itemize can claim if they don’t deduct state and local income tax. To emphasize, there is no special “consumer rebate” in the tax law; there is only an itemized deduction for state and local sales tax. And this deduction cannot be claimed if the individual opts to deduct state and local income taxes.

Tax Glossary

Capital gain distribution

A mutual-fund distribution allocated to gains realized on the sale of fund portfolio assets. You report the distribution as long-term capital gain even if you held the fund shares short term.

More terms