Submitted By: someone
Answered: April 22, 2022 2:26 am

I was the victim of a Ponzi scheme and lost $120,000. Can I deduct this loss?

The IRS allows victims of Ponzi schemes to deduct their losses as theft losses rather than as capital losses. While thefts of personal use property are currently barred (only disaster losses are allowed), thefts of investment property remain deductible as an itemized deduction. The IRS has guidance on determining the amount and timing of the losses as well as a safe harbor for determining the year in which the loss is deemed to occur.

Tax Glossary

Kiddie tax

The tax on the investment income in excess of $1,700 (may change after 2007) of a child under age 18, based on the parents’ marginal tax rate and computed on Form 8615.

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