Submitted By: Mary Ann
Answered: January 13, 2016 10:03 am

My husband, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, is living in a VA home. Can I take a medical deduction for this?

If you itemize deductions (instead of taking the standard deduction), medical expenses you pay out of pocket (i.e., are not covered by insurance or a government program) can be deducted to the extent they exceed your applicable adjusted-gross-income threshold (7.5% for those 65 and older in 2016; 10% if under 65). If you file a joint return and pay toward your husband’s care, you can take the write off. If the costs are fully paid by the VA, you have no out-of-pocket costs to deduct.

Tax Glossary

Involuntary conversion

Forced disposition of property due to condemnation, theft, or casualty. Tax on gain from involuntary conversions may be deferred if replacement property is purchased.

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