Submitted By: someone
Answered: July 22, 2019 3:26 am

My spouse is enrolling in Medicare. I’m still covered by a high-deductible health plan (HDHP). Can I contribute to an HSA?

Yes. If you have a health savings account (HSA), your contribution to a self-only plan is permissible up to set annual limits (in 2019 it’s $3,500, plus $1,000 if you’re age 55 or older by year end). Alternatively, if you have a dependent under the HDHP, you can contribute to an HSA up to the limit for family coverage.

Tax Glossary


Items directly reducing income. Personal deductions such as for mortgage interest, state and local taxes, and charitable contributions are allowed only if deductions are itemized on Schedule A, but deductions such as for alimony, capital losses, moving expenses to a new job location, business losses, student loan interest, and IRA and Keogh deductions are deducted from gross income even if itemized deductions are not claimed.

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