Americans are the most generous people on earth, giving $335.17 billion to charity in 2013 (the most recent year for statistics). Uncle Sam, however, doesn’t give you tax breaks for every good action. Here are some limitations on deducting your good deeds.
Donations if you claim the standard deduction
There is no above-the-line deduction for any charitable contribution that is viewed as tax deductible. Thus, if you make donations to legitimate charitable organizations and have all required substantiation backing up your gifts, you must itemize personal deductions in order to claim any write-off.
Phase-out of itemized deductions
If you are a high-income taxpayer, you can lose up to 80% of your itemized deductions due to a phase-out. Generally, you lose deductions equal to 3% of the excess of adjusted gross income (AGI) over a threshold amount for your filing status. For 2015, the phase-out begins with AGI of:
No deduction is allowed for the value of your time and effort. Thus, if you help build homes for Habitat for Humanity or, as an accountant, maintain the finances for your church without any fee, you’re doing good but cannot claim a tax write-off.
Note: If you incur out-of-pocket expenses in the course of your volunteering for a charity, you can deduct these as a charitable contribution deduction. This includes driving your car at the rate of 14 cents per mile. Of course, you need good records to substantiate these out-of-pocket costs (including a written acknowledgment from the charity for expenses of $250 or more).
Free use of your property
Allowing a charity to use your property in the course of its activities is noble but not tax deductible. Thus, if you donate two weeks at your ski chalet or beach house to a charity’s auction to raise money, you cannot deduct the rental value of your property.
Similarly, if you loan money to a charity without charging interest, you cannot deduct the uncharged interest.
Bodily donations
You may have what others need. You cannot claim a charitable contribution deduction for:
Helping your neighbor
Donations directly to an individual, no matter how needy, are never deductible. Thus, if you neighbor needs a helping hand, your generosity (donations of clothing, food, or money) is not deductible.
Tax results shouldn’t control your actions, but recognize whether you are rewarded—from a tax perspective—for your good deeds. Then continue to do good!
Interest on debt used to carry investments, but not including interest expense from a passive activity. Deductions are limited to net investment income.