Passenger vehicles, including light trucks and vans, that are purchased for business and placed in service in 2022 can be depreciated only up to a set dollar amount. And if the vehicles are leased, the deduction for lease payments must be reduced by an inclusion amount if the fair market value of the vehicle exceeds a set limit. The IRS announced the dollar limits and inclusion amounts for vehicles bought and placed in service or first leased in calendar year 2022 (Rev. Proc. 2022-17). These limits are dramatically different from those in 2021.
The dollar limit for vehicles placed in service in 2022 are:
Note: Those who purchase a heavy SUV are not subject to these dollar limits and, for 2022, can effectively write-off the entire cost in the first year by claiming 100% bonus depreciation.
Leased vehicles. If a vehicle first leased for business in 2022 has a fair market value (FMV) over $56,000, then lease payments must be reduced by an “inclusion amount.” The inclusion amount depends on the FMV of the vehicle. For example, a vehicle first leased in January 2022 with an FMV of $71,000 has an inclusion amount for 2022 of $19.
An exchange of similar assets used in a business or held for investment on which gain may be deferred.