October 17, 2008 12:00 am

Higher Retirement Plan Contributions for 2009

The IRS has announced cost-of-living adjustments to various limits for qualified retirement plans in 2009. There is a potential for greater contributions. Some key numbers to watch:

  • For 401(k) plans, elective deferrals by participants can be up to $16,500 (up from $15,500 in 2008). Those who are 50 or older by the end of the year can add another $5,500 (up from $5,000 in 2008), for a total elective deferral contribution of up to $22,000. The limit for SIMPLE plans (savings investment match plans for employees of small employers) is $11,500 (up from $10,500 in 2008); the additional contribution by those age 50 or older by year-end remains at $2,500.
  • For simplified employee pension plans (SEPs) and profit-sharing plans, the limitation in 2009 is $49,000 (up from $46,000 in 2008).
  • For defined benefit (pension) plans, the maximum benefit taken into account in 2009 is $195,000 (up from $185,000 in 2008).
  • In figuring contributions and benefits to qualified retirement plans, the maximum compensation taken into account in 2009 is $245,000 (up from $230,000 in 2008).
  • For the retirement saver’s credit, which can be claimed by eligible taxpayers making contributions to IRAs, 401(k)s, and similar plans, the adjusted gross income limits have been increased-this allows more taxpayers to qualify for the credit.

Source: www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=187833,00.html

Tax Glossary

Revenue ruling

A revenue ruling is the Commissioner’s “official interpretation of the interpretation of the law” and generally is binding on revenue agents and other IRS officials. Taxpayers generally may rely on published revenue rulings in determining the tax treatment of their own transactions that arise out of similar facts and circumstances.

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