Whether expenses of an activity are deductible depends on whether it is conducted for profit or is merely a hobby. If there is a profit motive, then income is reported but can be offset by deductible expenses. If there is no profit motive, the activity is a hobby for which all income is reported but no offsetting deductions are allowed at this time. The determination of a profit motive depends on the nine factors listed in the regulations (Reg. Sec. 1.183-2(b)). Recently, an appellate court agreed with the Tax Court and held that a taxpayer’s horse breeding farm was not an activity engaged in for profit so deductions were disallowed (Mitchel Skolnick, CA-3, 3/8/23).
Weighing the factors. No one factor is determinative, advised the court; all must be examined and weighed.
In this case, the court found that factor 7—the amount of occasional profits—and factor 9—elements of personal pleasure or recreation—favored the IRS and outweighed the other factors.
Term for deductible mortgage interest on a principal residence and a second home.