August 27, 2020 10:25 pm

IRS Can’t Change Reimbursement Deadline for Dependent Care FSAs

Dependent care flexible spending accounts (FSAs) set the deadline for submitting requests for reimbursement. For example, a company’s plan may limit reimbursements to requests submitted within 30 days of the close of the year. The IRS has made it clear (INFO 2020-0005) that it lacks the authority to change the plan’s deadline for submissions. Employees with outstanding dependent care expenses should be mindful of the submission deadline.

Note: Medical FSAs can permit carryovers up to a set limit (e.g., $550 for unused amounts in 2020) if they do not provide for a grace period.

Tax Glossary

Coverdell Education Savings Account

A special account set up to fund education expenses of a student.

More terms