January 2, 2022 10:18 pm

No Schedule C Deductions Before Business Commences

A self-employed individual may deduct various business expenses. However, as a recent Tax Court decision points out, you must actually function as a going concern (an active trade or business) to take deductions on Schedule C (Vardan Antonyan, TC Memo 2021-138). In this case, the taxpayer had a business plan to develop realty into parcels to be rented out for organic farming. He had to take various steps to get the land ready (e.g., put up a non-livable building such as a barn on each parcel, and install an irrigation system), but had not yet completed any of those steps.

If you are still in the start-up phase, no deductions are allowed. Once business operations begin, then you may be eligible for a deduction for start-up expenses. This means an immediate deduction in the first year of operations up to $5,000, reduced dollar for dollar by expenses over $50,000, with any excess deducted ratably over 180 months.

Tax Glossary


Items directly reducing income. Personal deductions such as for mortgage interest, state and local taxes, and charitable contributions are allowed only if deductions are itemized on Schedule A, but deductions such as for alimony, capital losses, moving expenses to a new job location, business losses, student loan interest, and IRA and Keogh deductions are deducted from gross income even if itemized deductions are not claimed.

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