June 30, 2020 11:13 pm

People First Initiative

In an effort to help taxpayers struggling with IRS collection and enforcement activities, the IRS launched the People First Initiative to provide relief (FS-2020-09, June 2020). The program modifies the following compliance programs:

  • New and existing installment agreements
  • Offers in compromise
  • Field collection activities (liens and levies)
  • Private debt collection
  • Field, office, and correspondence audits

The IRS strongly encourages taxpayers with delinquent returns prior to 2019 to file those returns now. Many taxpayers are due refunds that they can claim if they file. Those who owe back taxes should take this opportunity to file delinquent returns and resolve any outstanding liabilities. Find more information from IRS FAQs at https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/people-first-initiative-providing-relief-to-taxpayers.

Tax Glossary

Acquisition debt

Debt used to buy, build, or construct a principal residence or second home and that generally qualifies for a full interest expense deduction.

More terms