May 3, 2021 10:46 pm

PPE Is a Deductible Medical Expense

The IRS announced that the cost of personal protective equipment (PPE) purchased for the primary purpose of preventing the spread of COVID-19 is a deductible medical expense (Ann. 2021-7). PPE includes masks, hand sanitizer, and sanitizing wipes. This means the expenses can be deducted by those who itemize, to the extent total out-of-pocket medical expenses exceed 7.5% of adjusted gross income.

PPE is also treated as a reimbursable expense for purposes of:

  • Health flexible spending arrangements (health FSAs)
  • Health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs)
  • Health savings accounts (HSAs)
  • Archer medical savings accounts (Archer MSAs)
  • Any other health plans

Note: Employers maintaining such plans that want to provide reimbursements dating back to January 1, 2020, must amend their plans to allow for this action.

Tax Glossary


An annual payment of money by a company or individual to a person called the annuitant. Payment is for a fixed period or the life of the annuitant. Tax consequences depend on the type of contract and funding.

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