November 1, 2013 11:31 am

Social Security Wage Base Increased for 2014

The Social Security Administration announced the 2014 wage base used for figuring the Social Security tax portion of FICA and self-employment tax. For 2014, this wage base is $117,000, up from $113,700 in 2013. This increase is consistent with a 1.5% increase in Social Security benefits paid in 2014.

There are no changes in the ages for retirement: full retirement for those born in 1943 through 1954 remains at 66 years; early retirement can begin at age 62. The amount that those under the full retirement age can earn without any loss of benefits in 2014 is $1,290 per month, up from $1,260 per month in 2013. Once this income threshold is exceeded, they lose $1 for each $2 above the earnings limit.

Source: Social Security Fact Sheet 10-31-13

Tax Glossary

Revenue ruling

A revenue ruling is the Commissioner’s “official interpretation of the interpretation of the law” and generally is binding on revenue agents and other IRS officials. Taxpayers generally may rely on published revenue rulings in determining the tax treatment of their own transactions that arise out of similar facts and circumstances.

More terms