December 26, 2010 12:00 am

Special PIN for Identity Theft Victims

A number of taxpayers have contacted the IRS about being identity theft victims and have straightened out their tax accounts. For these taxpayers, the IRS will issue a 6-digit identity protection personal identification number (IP PIN) that can be used instead of a Social Security number. The IP PIN is valid for a single use only when filing a 2010 federal tax return.

The IRS is contacting these taxpayers and assigning them an IP PIN; no action on the part of a taxpayer is necessary. If you have questions, contact the IRS at [email protected].

Source: Dec. 21 eNewsletter for Professional

Tax Glossary

Section 457 plan

Deferred compensation plan set up by a state or local government, or tax-exempt organization, which allows tax-free deferrals of salary.

More terms