If you receive certain notices from the IRS requesting additional information, you may now be able to update documents to the IRS instead of mailing them in (IR-2023-29). If you receive one of the notices listed below, you can respond securely to IRS online, regardless of whether you have an IRS Online Account.
The notice informs you to “Send us your documents using the Documentation Upload Tool within 30 days from the date of this notice.” It includes the link and a unique access code.
Currently, this upload option applies only to one of the following notices:
In the coming months and years, the IRS promises to expand this capability to “dozens of other notices.”
A written determination issued to a taxpayer by the IRS that interprets and applies the tax laws to the taxpayer’s specific set of facts. A letter ruling advises the taxpayer regarding the tax treatment that can be expected from the IRS in the circumstances specified by the ruling. It may not be used or cited as precedent by another taxpayer.