When you receive a distribution from a qualified retirement plan or IRA, you have 60 days from receipt to deposit the funds into another qualified retirement plan or IRA. If you don’t, you will be taxed on the distribution and, if you’re under age 59-1/2, subject to a 10% early distribution penalty unless a penalty exception applies. A well-intentioned individual can easily miss the deadline and would normally trigger tax on the distribution. However, relief is possible because the IRS has discretion to waive the 60-day deadline where it would be against “equity or good conscience” not to do so.
Use automatic relief rules. The IRS will automatically waive the deadline if you meet all of the following conditions:
Ask the IRS for more time. In other hardship situations not eligible for the automatic waiver, you must apply to the IRS for a waiver by requesting a private letter ruling and paying the required user fee. You must show that failure to meet the 60-day deadline was beyond your reasonable control, such as where you
were disabled, hospitalized, or there was a natural disaster, postal error, or error by the financial institution other than one qualifying for an automatic waiver. The IRS will take into account the length of the delay and whether you cashed a distribution paid to you by check.
The IRS is very liberal in granting relief, provided you can show that the cause of missing the deadline was something beyond your control and you didn’t take advantage of the situation. Examples where relief was granted:
The IRS has denied relief in these situations:
The best way to avoid the rollover deadline is to not receive a distribution, but instead authorize the trustee or custodian of a qualified retirement plan or IRA to make a direct transfer of funds to the trustee/custodian of another such plan or IRA. But if you receive a distribution, pay attention to the calendar so you won’t need to seek relief.
A nondeductible contributory IRA that allows for tax-free accumulation of income. Qualifying distributions are completely tax free.