Make Index Investing Work for You The Vanguard founder offers investment insights to Lasser readers in this exclusive interview with Wiley Business and Finance book editor, Bill Falloon. John C. B...
The severe Southern California wildfires that ravaged homes and businesses in October 2007 affected thousands of individuals. Those living in the Presidential Disaster Area, comprised of Los Angeles,...
As December comes to a close, so too do the possibilities for cutting your 2007 tax bill and planning ahead for 2008 for job-related benefits. Take time to assess your current selections and how to u...
Homeowners can exclude gain on the sale of their principal residence up to $250,000 ($500,000 on a joint return); for many homeowners this means tax-free sales proceeds. However, to claim this break,...
Even if your income is no higher in 2008 than it was in 2007, you can expect your tax bill to be lower. Why? Every year, cost of living adjustments to various tax items means you'll pay less than...
You have a unique opportunity to shelter your business profits in a retirement plan and save money for your future. The tax law encourages this by allowing you to deduct contributions, defer tax on e...
After paying bills, it's hard for most people to find money to set aside for retirement. Fortunately, the tax law can help you save for the future. The tax law allows you to: Contribute to a com...
You may have a generous spirit and the means to help your favorite nonprofit organization, but unless you follow tax rules you won't enjoy tax breaks to which you might otherwise be entitled. Ca...
Release of a debt without consideration by a creditor. Cancellations of debt are generally taxable.